Empowering Women, Transforming Lives

Join us in creating a world where every Muslimah has the tools, resources, and community support to thrive

Empowerment starts with Education

Together we can rise above our Challenges

Together we can rise above our differences


Muslimah - Heart of Bountiis Creation




Get-Involved, as Muslimahs come together to share their knowledge and expertise to improve their wellness and attain serenity.


For volunteering, partnership, donation and enquiries, email "connect@bountiis.org" or dial

"+234-080-78-7000-80" to get involved.

Click to get-involved!

Women empowerment initiative through education, collaboration and resource sharing ; creating a support framework for the Muslim woman through the struggles of life.

Bountiis creates platform for women to share knowledge, resources, showcase their businesses and expand their network. 

Bountiis calls on every professional and successful entrepreneurs to join the dream and contribute towards the growth of women in the society. 

Our project support women in the society through our activities and programs. Together we grow stronger and rise higher above all challenges of life. 

Partner with Bountiis

Our partners make the arduous journey easier for the bountiis team through invaluable support and valued input.


Partnerships also offer the benefit of increased awareness and visibility for your brand without having to spend a lot on promotional materials.

With your help, we can improve more lives and protect the dignity of those in need.

Your generosity fuels our mission. Empower women today!


Muslimah Mentoring

Do you have the Skill?

Do you have some time to spare?

We welcome mentors with diverse skill sets, perspectives, and backgrounds to help us in our mission to grow the Muslimah communities. Are you interested in supporting other Muslimah? click here to sign-up

Become a part of our movement—volunteer, mentor, or partner with us.

Women in Trauma

Facilitating therapy sessions to support single mothers, divorcees and widows going through mental trauma. These category also include women in severe abuse marriages.

With your help, we can improve more lives and protect the dignity of those in need.

Support Muslimah-Projects for 2024

Make the world a better place – get involved today!

Ramadan is one of the best time to pay ZAKAT with multiple rewards. At bountiis, you can choose how you want your ZAKAT to be spent. You can also op t-in to get updated on the impact of your ZAKAT after a year.

Call today, to resolve all your pending ZAKAT calculations and payments!


Yes, we now accept ZAKAT!!!

Have you paid your ZAKAT? Do you know the minimum amount you need to have (nisab) for you to be eligible to PAY ZAKAT?

The minimum is the current price of 87.48 grams of Gold or 612.36grams of Silver.

This means over 7million Naira in Gold ($5000+) , and over a few 100 Thousands in Silver($400+). With the silver cut-off (Nisab), it means, most of us can pay zakat this year! Hay!!!

Do you need help calculating your ZAKAT? We can help you!

Connect with us today to help you with calculating your ZAKAT.

Bountiis 2024 Programs

Programs that Empower, Educate, and Inspire!

Explore our programs and see how you can make a difference.

Volunteer Today 

Volunteers are an integral part of Bountiis success. They are the ones behind the success of every success stories. Not only does volunteering empowers people, but it is also an extremely rewarding experience that you will cherish forever. 

Whatever your expertise might be, if it could be of service to Bountiis, then bring it on board to support and liberate more women.


Subscribe to our newsletter to get update of our activities.

We shall not use your details for any other purpose.

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Our Ambassadors are impacting lives and changing the narratives for a healthy, vibrant and sustainable Muslimah ecosystem.

Support the Initiative

Jaiz Bank


NGN: 0015059091 

United Bank for Africa (UBA)


NGN: 2129567392 

USD: 2176058401

Lotus Bank


NGN: 1002158289


Your little change or coins could mean nothing to you, . . . but to bountiis, it could mean a freedom for another woman under the shackle of ignorance and poverty!

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