The Ramadan
Charity Bonus
Automate your daily donation this Ramadan. So that you do not miss giving on the night of over a 1000 months rewards!
Reward Made Easy
Daily Donations Guarantee the reward of Lailatul Qadr at your finger tips
You will not attain piety until you spend of that which you love”
(Quran 3: 92)
Frequently Asked Question
How do I sign-up for a Night subscription?
It is very simple!
Simply sign-up after Maghrib (Evening) prayer in your country's time zone and the subsequent deduction will be every Night.
When will the donation stop?
The Ramadan Challenge ends at Eid. You are also FREE to cancel your existing donation anytime before Eid.
I also want to benefit from this opportunity, but I do not have a bank card.
Please contact bountiis, our team shall help you sign up with alternative cards. The card daily payment is secured through Paystack payment channel.
What is the impact of my donation?
The donation would be used to support women empowerment programs, projects and initiatives.

With your generous donation, we can empower more women in our society.
Your little change or coins could mean nothing to you,
. . . but to bountiis, it could mean a freedom for another woman under the shackle of ignorant and poverty!
Click the button to select your daily preference
Powered by Paystack
Share the Goodness, Share the Greatness and Share the Reward.
. . . thinking of other ways to donate?
Donation Hotline
Please call us to discuss your donation preference.

Finance a Routine Activity or Event
Fund bountiis events and routine programs through donation of critical items such as : venue, catering, decoration, prints and more.
Gifts and Grants
Donate gifts and grants to women in need through bountiis women projects.

Become a Third Party Fundraiser
Raise fund for bountiis through your network of families and friends; or simply be a convener for a bounties charity fund raising event.

Planned Giving - Leaving a Legacy
Leave a footprint in the sand of time by donating capital assest for yourself or on behalf of your loved ones that have departed the surface of earth. This becomes a recurring charity for you or your loved ones.
Donate Women Basic Needs
You can donate women needs, ranging from learning aids to daily need. We would be glad to come over for collection.
For more information please send an email to or simply request a call back, we shall give you a call.