
Top 10 Ways to Win Your Spouse’s Heart Forever

In Islam, developing a loving relationship with one’s spouse is highly encouraged and considered a vital aspect of a successful marriage. The Quran and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) provide guidance on fostering love, compassion, and mutual respect within a marital bond. Here are a few fundamental principles: Remember, love […]

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Enlivening the Heart

The Heart, a muscular organ in the body system is an essential part of existence. Apart from its commonly known function– circulation of blood– the heart has several other functions from being a pump organ to spiritual functions. Aside from being a pump, the heart does a lot in defining who we are. It portrays […]


You are no Longer Alone, Bountiis Assures Widows, Divorcees, Single Mothers

Bounties Charity Initiative, a Muslim women focused Islamic nongovernmental organization has raised the hope of Widows, Divorcees and Single Mothers, WDS with assurance of continuous support to uplift their situation by connecting them to networking and empowerment opportunities. The BountiisExecutive Director, Dr. Engr. Mrs FalilatOlaitanJimoh gave the assurance at the just concluded Bountiis WDS Forum […]


My Gorgeous Hair

Some of us have long hair while some have short hair.
Both have their beauty even though the desire of every woman is very long hair! With efforts and care, we can get our hair considerably grown.