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The Heart, a muscular organ in the body system is an essential part of existence. Apart from its commonly known function– circulation of blood– the heart has several other functions from being a pump organ to spiritual functions.

Aside from being a pump, the heart does a lot in defining who we are. It portrays emotions like affection, love, depression, sadness and even happiness. Have you ever imagined what happens when you feel happy and everything just seems so beautiful and right? Have you ever reflected, on the other hand, what happens when suddenly, you just have a change in your mood? We call it “mood swing” and a number of us just try to give it meanings to the best of our ability. Well, that’s just being human. The pertinent organ behind these feelings is the heart! Now, to keep our hearts safe and healthy, it has to be well nourished. Just as our faces, our skin and our body are being nourished.
How is the heart nourished?

Do I feed my heart just the way I feed my belly? Of course, the heart cannot directly consume rice and beans or some spicy food (except it has been absorbed by the blood). The heart gets spiced by nourishing it with constant remembrance of Allah. It gets nourished by taking steps to act according to the injunctions of our Lord, Allah.

When we observe the rights of Allah and stay clear of His prohibitions, our hearts get nourished. It has to be understood that a pure body is not always with a pure heart, but when the heart is pure, the whole body is. A reflection of the significance of the heart streams down to the life of the noble prophet(peace be upon him).The prophet’s heart was operated on two different times. First, when he was at the age of 4 and the other when he was to be given the role of prophethood. It can then be inferred from this experience that the best of people are the ones with sound and purified hearts since the prophet is known to be the best of mankind.

The significance can also be found in the Hadith of the prophet (Peace be upon him). When the sahabahs asked who the best of people are… Abdullah ibn Amr reported: We said, “O Messenger of Allah, who are the best people?” The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said
One with a heart swept clean and truthful in speech.

We said, “O Messenger of Allah, we know truthful in speech. What is a heart swept clean?” The Prophet said:
One that is Godfearing and pure, in which there is neither sin, nor transgression, nor envy.
We said, “Who shows a sign of it?” The Prophet said:
One who despises worldliness and loves the Hereafter.

We said, “And who shows a sign of it?” The Prophet said:
A believer with good character.
Source: Shu’ab al-Imān 4462, Grade: Sahih.

It can be understood from this hadith that to be regarded as one with good character, one must always say nothing but the truth; avoid tongue–lashing people and say, but good words to them. Having a good heart here means adhering strictly to the commands of Allah. Also, sweeping out malice, hatred, jealousy, envyness, or any form of negativity of the heart and equipping it with love, kindness, justice, charity and the little, but cherishable act, smile!

Moving forward, the heart is a reflection of the mind and our actions. What we see, where we go, what we listen to, what we engage in, all amount for the purity or impurity of our mind, then our hearts. When we watch immoral things or go to immoral places; or listen to immoral things say, music; or engage in frivolities, say watching pornographic videos, we drive our heart to a point of weakness. All these weaken the heart and subsequently, disturb the mind. Although some persons might come up with some defence–”I have been listening to music for a number of years now and I don’t feel in anyway disturbed by it. Infact I find solace in it”– well, that is not solace, but some infection laced in beautiful melodies.

Have you ever experienced the calming feeling that comes with listening to the Qur’an?
There is usually a feeling of peace that runs down the spine(even without knowing the meaning). The feeling then deepens when the meaning is known and reflected upon. This is the real solace. Something that you either listen to or watch or even involve in that brings absolute calmness to the mind is termed solace.

Another beautiful thing about the heart is its independence of the body. Let’s take for instance, someone in captive whose mouth is tied and the legs and hands are chained. Such a person can not perform such religious duties as solah, and thus restricts them in worship. In this case, the only thing left for such a person is the heart! The heart can do a number of things without the involvement of the body. Adhkars (remembrance of Allah), supplications and even solah. Yes, solah! How right? All the person has to do is imagine he is in a state of purity and start to pray with his heart!
However, the body is dependent of the heart. No form of worship or act can be done without the presence of the heart. If it is done, there are two things; either there is no reward for it, or the reward for it is mitigated.

Wrapping up, a heart without righteousness and spirituality is more of a lifeless body. Breathe life into your body by enlivening your heart with righteousness, charity, solah (prayer), kindness and all sort of good deeds.

By: Yesirah Sodamade.

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